Haitian Mud Pies & Other Poems-Charles S. Carr


Charles Carr is a native Philadelphian. In 2007, Charles was The Mad Poets Review First Prize Winner for his poem “Waiting To Come North”. In 2009, Cradle Press of St. Louis published Charles’ first book of poetry: paradise, Pennsylvania. Charles’ poems have been published in various print and online local and national poetry journals.


“Haitian Mud Pies and Other Poems provide the reader with a rich and provocative landscape filled with sea and moss and a natural world where “rain riots and thrashes,” “bird songs rise and fall” and “leaves with curled fists flail away.” Elsewhere in the book Carr describes the “Face of an Iraqi boy,” senselessly shot inside a car at a checkpoint. And in “Dignified Transfer,” the reader gets a wallop, much like that at the end of Randall Jarrell’s “Death of the Ball Turret Gunner.” Add to this collection some poems about suburbia, various famous poets incorporated into contemporary life (Wallace Stevens at a baseball game), and a villanelle about lost socks and you get a good idea of the imagination, range and versatility of the work of Charles Carr.” – Kathleen Sheeder Bonanno, author of Slamming Open the Door.

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